Public Foundation "Public health and human rights"

1. When and where was the organization registered?

Public Foundation "Public health and human rights", was registered on August 07, 2014 with the Tax Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.

2. Purpose? (Mission?)

-promoting the protection of mental and physical health of the population, protection and promotion of human rights and freedoms, in particular women;

- education in the field of human rights, gender equality and non-discrimination.

- education in the field of increasing the level of medical and hygienic knowledge, disseminating the idea of ​​disease prevention;

- promoting awareness of the perception of legal, medical and gender standards;

- promoting the rule of law, the formation of civil society in a democratic state governed by the rule of law;

-cultural education of the population, youth and civil society through social and art activism.

3. Areas of activity.

  • Health.
  • Education.
  • Culture.
  • Women's rights.

4. Contact information:

a) Address: 734003, Dushanbe, Tursunzoda street 45 room 401

b) Telephone: +992 908550077

в) E-mail:  

d) Website: